General Casualty Liability :: Phillips Law CorporationOur attorneys offer extensive experience in casualty / general liability defense, having successfully defended numerous casualty / general liability claims. We have acted as panel counsel for many insurance carriers in the defense of all types of casualty / general liability claims. Phillips Law attorneys handle environmental claims, toxic tort claims, catastrophic injury, products liability, wrongful death, workplace injuries, construction site accidents, as well as other types of casualty / general liability claims. We have successfully defended these matters through motions for summary judgment, early dispute resolution procedures, and trial.

While we pride ourselves on our litigation expertise, our attorneys are also skilled negotiators, having favorably resolved countless cases on behalf of clients before trial. Our experience allows us to more accurately evaluate cases and advise our clients regarding the value of a case. If settlement is desired, our attorneys’ reputation among the plaintiff’s bar enables us to earn better results at mediation and in negotiations.

Our attorneys’ recent successes in defending general liability matters include:

• Motion to dismiss granted under eminent domain statute on plaintiffs’ inverse condemnation claim against the State of California based on the actions of an independent contractor involved in the construction of a major highway.
• A defense verdict in a lead paint case where infant plaintiff suffered from significant elevated blood lead levels and defendant’s property received multiple violations involving impermissible levels of lead. Our attorneys convinced the jury that the infant plaintiff’s alleged injuries were pre-existing as confirmed by medical records, the infant had overcome any alleged injuries and was a well adjusted child.
• Summary judgment in favor of the State of California where plaintiffs claimed that the State had disposed of toxic material on their property.
• Summary judgment in favor of general contractor where plaintiff fell off scaffolding, breaking both legs and suffering severe spinal injury.
• Defense verdict in favor of general contractor in crane collapse where plaintiff suffered severe brain damage.